However, total loss of fruit and vegetables can occur if there are long periods of warm, rainy weather. stiff wire or closing hole with mud are some measures suggested for the control of. dimethoate 30% EC at 2îml/l or buprofezin at 1îml/l is recommended. Proper training and pruning of the tree should be done. If the concern is only to protect the fruit in storage, spray once 10 days before harvest. Severe infestation affects the fruit set and causes fruit drop. Spread is by large number of spores in the air. Carner and P.A-C. Ooi 2012. The emerald ash borer (EAB), a phloem-feeding beetle native to Asia, was discovered killing ash trees in southeastern Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, in 2002. jackfruit brisbane local food. Jackfruit is being con-, sumed as vegetable or fruit. The nymphs are pink-, The scales tend to congregate in huge number and they suck the sap from leaves as, well as tender shoots. 298, Haq N (2006) Fruits for the future, jackfruit (, Underutilised Crops, Southampton, pî192. Se. (1) Jackfruit, pineapple, and starfruit from Malaysia must be treated for plant pests with irradiation in accordance with part 305 of this chapter. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Accessions are expected to differ in stature, with a majority of lines considered mid-stature. Shoot and fruit borer: Glyphodes caesalis (Walker), (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae); Spittle bugs: Cosmocarta relata Distant (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) Mealybug: … It is a polyphagous pest, known to attack 35 plant family hosts, and damage had, been recorded on horticultural crops, viz. The emer, starts from April, and the maximum population is found during MayâJuly, coincides with fruit maturity. export of fruits to other countries (Srivasta, Ahmed KU, Rahman MM, Alam MZ, Hossain MM, Miah MG (2013) Evaluation of some control. If, îow; they may fail to îush and drying of the branches occurs. Insect pests are one of the main constraints in jackfruit production, and about, ). The hybrids, Bejo Sheetal and Pusa hybrid-6 recorded high population of coccinellids, syrphids and spiders. Manjunatha R, Mohan KR, Ganesha H (2014) Biology of jackfruit shoot and fruit borer, Mann GS, Bindra OS (1977) Field screening of different jujube cultivars against the bark eating, caterpillar. as well as the type of pest. Eggs are laid in clus-, ters of 15â20 directly on the bark of branch or bole. They feed on, the sap by scrapping the leaf tissues. Remove and destroy the af, Application of recommended dose of fertilizers and sufîcient irrigation supports tol. If environmental conditions are such that they favour the disease, do the following: CULTURAL CONTROLDuring growth: CHEMICAL CONTROLIf fungicides are required, apply a protectant product, e.g., mancozeb, or a systemic benzimidazole, e.g., thiophanate-methyl or a triazole, e.g., propiconazole. Spores forming on a young jackfruit fruit infected by Rhizopus stolonifer. It has a stridu-, latory apparatus consisting of ridges on the abdomen and pegs on hind tibia. Karim MA (1995) Insect pests of fruits and their control in Bangladesh. 60îmin kills the eggs or larvae present in the fruit. Probably a minor disease of little economic impact on jackfruit. It covers the main arthropod pests of twenty five major crops, with colour photographs of their adult and immature stages, their distribution, biology, disease vectors, symptoms of the damage they cause and their natural enemies. Photo 3. ovipositor and inserts eggs in small clusters inside the mesocarp. Adult moth is whitish bro, Adult moth lays eggs on apical buds or tender shoot on both the male and female. Ulcers. The nymphs and adults suck the sap from tender twigs, shoots and leaves. The fungus is common in the soil on plant debris, and also on many fruits (peach, strawberry) and vegetables after harvest, during transport and in storage. In most instances, management will not be required as the impact of the disease is low. ). This greyish brown adult weevils are found … Harvest fruit with care, avoiding bruising it or creating wounds. In the month of NovemberâJanuary, remove the entire web or galleries, and insert cotton swabs soaked with 10îml of, 0.05% dichlorvos 76 EC into the tunnel, and seal it with mud; this kills the larvae, almost 4â5îcm length, lays eggs on the main trunk of relatively older trees between, May and December. Jackfruit is a gargantuan green fruit — mature fruit can weigh up to 100 pounds — covered in tiny little spikes. long, smooth skinned with dark chitinized, patches on the segments. production of lateral shoots (Khan etîal. iStock Jackfruit Gnawing Insects Eaten Pests Plant Diseasesfungi Stock Photo - Download Image Now Download this Jackfruit Gnawing Insects Eaten Pests Plant Diseasesfungi photo now. Sunflower yield potential, in the central US High Plains, may be limited by delayed planting to avoid stem weevil and sunflower moth infestations. The female moths are pale brownish with forewings ha, dark rusty red spots. Mani M, Krishnamoorthy A (1997) Suppression of spherical mealybug, (Newstead) (Homoptera:Pseudococcidae) on jack fruit. Pod fly mostly attacks pigeon pea, and apion beetle is a serious pest of cowpea. Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. ISBN 0854328394, Hua L (1982) A check list of the longicorn beetles of China. In case of, The bugs are 15îmm long, with blunt red head and prominent eyes which resemble, a frog and known as frog hoppers. Look for the soft, rapidly development fruit rots on the tree or in storage. Insect pests are one of the main constraints in jackfruit production, and about 38 species of insect pests are known to attack jackfruit. Nymphs and adults of aphids suck the sap from new leaves, tender twigs and fruits. Severe infestation causes drying and withering of affected, highly polyphagous pest, attacks more than 30 families of tropical and subtropical. © CAB International 2010. It causes a soft, watery, brown spot on the fruit (Photo 1) that soon becomes covered in a grey-brown, later black, furry mould (Photos 3&4). The spores can withstand long periods of drying and cold. It is reported from Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Niue, Samoa, and Solomon Islands. The life cycle is temperature dependent, and it matures within 6 days at 25î, and 20îdays at lower than 15î°C (Blackman and Eastop. Reproductive development was also similar among lines with tolerance/resistance to stem weevil and sunflower moth, though reproductive development of PI 386230 was accelerated relative to Hybrid 894 and development of HIR 828-2 was delayed relative to Hybrid 894. Adult lays eggs inside the leaf tissue from where the nymphs hatch. Survival occurs as thick-walled spores (black spore masses on top of long stalks (Photo 4), in the soil, on plant debris, and on seed. Depressions in fruit with dark colored puncture wounds; soft, mushy areas on fruit caused by larvae feedign on fruit; development of secondary rots often cause fruit to drop from tree; insects are small … It also attacks nursery plants by boring into the tender apical bud resulting in, Marshall is a small greyish weevil with stout fore femur and, is pale brownish green aphids feeding on lo, (Boyer de Fonscolombe) is a black citrus aphid, polyphagous on various, is a polyphagous pest, which has been recorded to feed on 71, single female lays up to 400â500 eggs as a mass in the soil. Hanging of wooden block traps soaked in ethanol, methyl eugenol and malathion (6:4:1) during fruiting period (ten traps per hectare) to, attract male îies. JîBiol Control 22(1):169â172. And search … Photo 3 Ellen Iramu, Honiara, Solomon Isalnds.Produced with support from the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research under project PC/2010/090: Strengthening integrated crop management research in the Pacific Islands in support of sustainable intensification of high-value crop production, implemented by the University of Queensland and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Knowledge of growth and development characteristics of resistant sunflower accessions can facilitate breeding techniques to incorporate. shoot and fruit borer, Shoot and fruit borer is one of the major pests of jackfruit in India and other jack-, fruit grown countries. It is native to South India. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science. It causes varying degree of damage between 3â28% depend-, ing upon the climatic conditions. 41(2): 181-187, 2013. Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is one of the most remunerative and important fruits of India.It belongs to the family Moraceae. shoot and fruit borer, Glyphodes caesalis, bud weevil Ochyromera artocarpi, mealy bugs Drosicha mangiferae, Nipaecoccus viridis, Planococcus lilacinus, spittle bugs, Cosmoscarta relata, Clovia lineaticollis, bark-eating caterpillar Indarbela tetraonis and trunk borers Aprioma germari and Bactrocera rufomaculata (Butani 1979; Alam et al. This fact sheet is a part of the app Pacific Pests and Pathogens. Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L. Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata Fab., ash weevil, Myllocerus spp. Seed infection occurs after damage by insects or rots of the seed head, or fruit. (2) Jackfruit, pineapple, and starfruit from … The biochemical characters such as total sugars, total chlorophyll and moisture content were positively correlated with shoot damage while total phenols and ash content have negative correlation. Diseases (रोग), Fruits (फल), Jackfruit (कटहल), Pest and Diseases (फसलों के कीट एवं रोग) Major diseases of Jackfruit are:-. Jackfruit, Artocarpus heterophyllus (Moraceae), as source of food and income. can be controlled by dusting with carbaryl 1.5D (Jeyaraj and Ananthan M, plant species. with 30îmm wing span. The adult lays. Avoid storing fruit in warm, poorly ventilated, buildings with high humidity; if possible, store the fruit below 10, Make sure the packing shed and boxes/bins are clean, removing any plant material on which. The objective of the research was to compare leaf appearance, reproductive development and plant height of selected sunflower accessions screened for pest resistance over two years, 2006 and 2007. 2012). Application of wood ash or co, dung ash is one of the cultural practices which desiccate them to die. in Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, etc. Photo 4. Jackfruit is enormous and prickly on the outside. Khan MAM, Islam KS (2004) Nature and extent of damage of jackfruit borer. Rhizopus stolonifer; previous names are Mucor stolifer, Rhizopus artocarpi, Rhizopus nigricans. Banding the tree trunk with 25 cm wide alkathene sheet (400 gauge) and, place it 30 cm above from the ground during second week of December. Rhizopus rot is a common fungal disease of jack-fruit flowers and fruit. The cauda is înger-shaped, blunt and slightly constricted. Its origin is in the region between the Western Ghats of southern India and the … The pupal period lasts about 3îweeks. Apple iOS Edition, It secretes spit-like frothy mass over the body. recording the mean shoot and fruit damage of 8.0 and 8.7 per cent (number basis) and population of spotted leaf beetle. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication. Long-term efforts will be needed to protect ash in urban and forested settings across North America. Mango (Mangifera indica Linn. The forewings are light oli, bore and eat below the bark. Rhizopus rot is a common disease of jackfruit flowers and young fruit. Resistance of sunflower germplasm to the sunflower stem weevil and red sunflower seed weevil and eva... Development and height characteristics of sunflower accessions evaluated for pest resistance. In this article we will learn … The mobile application is available from the Google Play Store and Apple iTunes. India is the leading producer of jackfruit with an aver, age production of 1436 thousand tonnes and holds 900 germplasm collections, which is largest in the world followed by Bangladesh (AP, low caloriîc value, and it is a rich source of potassium.           in relation to trees of Bihar, The mode of hibernation of mulberry longicorn beetle, Apriona germari Hope in Korea, Ecological characteristics of mulberry longicorn beetle, Apriona germari Hope, at the hibernation stage in mulberry fields, Biological suppression of the mealybugs Planococcus citri (Risso), Ferrisia virgata (Cockerell) and Nipaecoccus viridis (Newstead) on pummelo with Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant in India, Arthropod pests of horticultural crops in tropical Asia, Emerald Ash Borer: Invasion of the urban forest and the threat to North America's Ash resource, Evaluation of some control methods against the jackfruit trunk borer, Batocera rufomaculata de geer (Cerambycidae: coleoptera), Jackfruit and Its Many Functional Components as Related to Human Health: A Review, M.Sc thesis work: Biorational insecticides for the management of rice leaffolder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenee) (Lepidoptera: Pyraustidae, ICAR extramural project on Bio-ecology of mango shoot gall psylla, Apsylla cistellata Buckton (Pysllidae: Hemiptera) and its management. Lee SM (1987) Cerambycidae in Korea (in Korean). (Boyer de Fonscolombe) Black citrus aphid, hope as a pest on a îg. In: Ramanatha Rao V (eds) Proceeding of the IPGRI-ICAR-UIF, the conservation and use of germplasm of tropical fruits in Asia held at LXIII Indian Institute, of Horticultural Research, 18â31 May 1997, Bangalore, India. Pests and thier control: Brown weevil: brown weevil and other pests … Large dark-bro, webby masses, comprising chewed wooden particles and faecal matter, spicuously seen plastered loosely on tree trunks or main branches, especially near, attack of pest. deformation and immature fruit drop off. There is also a white dot on the tegmen, of the major pests of mulberry tree in Korea (Lee, hibernate as egg or larval stage in the mulberry îelds under the con, îelds were also reported in this pest (Zhang and Shen, resulted in yellowing of branches followed by drying and die back of terminal shoots, and branches ultimately leading to the death of whole tree. Rot is more likely to occur in high-rainfall areas or during and after stormy periods. All rights reserved. 1. grapes (Mani and Thontadarya, tion of îrst instar varies from 45 to 71îdays, second instar 18â38î, duration of females ranged from 77 to 135 days and for males 67 to 119 days for, male and 78â135 for females and 77â134îdays for males (Srivastav. In India it is found in Meghalaya, Karnataka and T, crops including annona, îcus, citrus, coffee, sandal tree, T, various plant viruses which causes severe loss than caused by direct injury, gregariously feeds on the tender shoots, îower buds and on lo, dish brown, either with or without wings and having black-and-white band on, antennae. insects and nematodes. Jackfruit is a good source of fiber, so it could help you feel fuller for longer and help keep your bowel movements regular. Periodical Expert Book Agency, Fonscolombe) (Homptera: Aphidiae). It, cycle. Hot water treatment at 48î±î1î°C for. The rotting occurs on the infested portion, Removal and destruction of the affected shoots, îo, stage of attack reduce the infestation of the pest (T, alkathene bags reduces the infestation signiîcantly by preventing oviposition (Madhav, 50 EC at 2.0îml per litre of water at îowering stage reduces the infestation. In case of sev. There is a dark grey median streak from the base to the end of the cell. The female moth lays 50â400 light pink eggs in clusters or in rows on the leaves and, the eggs turn red later on. R. Muniappan, B.M. R (1969) Fruits. Indian Forester 111:517â524, Khurana DK (eds) Agroforestry for Rural Needs, vol 1. Canned jackfruit retains quality for 63 weeks at room temperature—75° to 80°F (23.89°-26.67°C), with only 3% loss of B-carotene. Spray with neem oil, 1500îppm at 3îml/lit of water along with spreader and sticker. of jackfruit. This review presents an overview of the functional, medicinal, and physiological properties of this fruit. Millsp.) Indian Society of, Singh. The, stigmata is raised, black and ringed with white. pests ddiseases and weeds agriseta. They feed as a colony and severe de-sapping results in curling and shri, Collection and destruction of infected plant parts. Research studies are underway to assist managers leading eradication and containment efforts. Black spore masses on top of long stalks (sporangiophores) of Rhizopus stolonifer. The beneficial physiological effects may also have preventive application in a variety of pathologies. J Environ Sci 9(2):417â421. Worldwide. Jackfruit is being consumed as vegetable or fruit. Carry out hygiene measures: remove infected fruits of all ages from the trees and any that have fallen to the ground. It is widely cultivated in Southeast Asia. eggs inside tender shoots. Among seven species of the longicorn beetles known to attack mulberry, three have been reported as major pests in Korea: Apriona germari Hope, Xylotrechus chinensis Chevrolat and Psacothea hilaris Pascoe (Lee, 1987). Photo 1. National Book Trust, New Delhi, 115îpp. methods against the jackfruit trunk borer, coleoptera). Larvae. The study revealed that the hybrid, Sweta was the best in reducing the shoot and fruit damage by Leucinodes orbonalis Guen. This problem can be avoided simply by pruning branches that have already produced fruit. Jackfruit, considered an exotic superfood, is a peculiar-looking fruit with a textured green exterior that conceals golden nuggets of flavour. If the n, the tree, spray carbosulfan (0.05%) or dimethoate (0.06%) (Srivasta, andîMargabandhu (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), Adult with reddish brown head and thorax and abdomen is yellow. In the tropics and sub-tropics. Larva bores a short tunnel, downwards in to the wood, usually at the junction of a dead branch or snag and the, hole. Matured larva, pupates inside the silken cocoon for the period of 7â12îdays. Small trees are easily ring-barked by this pest and die. ppî237â244. Econ Bot 1980;34(2):154-159. 38 species of insect pests are known to attack jackfruit. (Swami etîal. Entomon 22(2):161â163, Mani M, Krishnamoorthy A (2008) Biological suppression of the mealybugs, Mani M, Thontadarya TS (1987) Record of mealybug species on grapevine in Karnataka. Bangladesh JîZool 41(2):181â187. On jackfruit, it is a primary pathogen, affecting the fruits at all stages of development whereas, on most other fruits and vegetables, Rhizopus infects through wounds caused by insects and weather events, or through cracks caused by abnormal growth. The mature larvae become brown with the similar black marks. Jackfruit has low calorific value, and it is a rich source of potassium. In case of se. Part III.î, Meyrick (1928) Exotic Microlepidopterans. In India, this pest is found in all the states wherever jackfruit is grown. Khan MAM, Islam KS, Haque MA (2003) Biology of Jackfruit Borer, in Bangldesh. Manjunath (2002) Insect pests of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllusL) with special reference to the biology and management of jack shoot and fruit borer, Diaphania caesalis(Walker) … Use of chemical control in the semi-arid areas is expensive and beyond the reach of the small-scale farmers. The beetles come out of the trunk, after the onset of monsoon (JuneâJuly) and start mating and lay eggs within 1â2î, and oviposit for 20â25îdays, laying on an average of one e, apical areas suffused dark grey and a white elongate blotch on the base of the dor-, sum. The pupation occurs, inside or on surface of nearby fruit. erance of tree. It is reported from Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Niue, Samoa, and Solomon Islands The armoured body signiîcantly varied with host and en, female is pinkish to red, convex, longer than wide and with tw, of white bands that extend dorsally from the spiracular area. It appears during JanuaryâFebruary and, a season. prepupa and pupa. The National Institute of Science, Delhi. Horticulture research and development project in collaboration with Department of. 38 species of insect pests are known to attack jackfruit. The larva bores into the trunk or branches, usually at forks or angles, to a depth of, 15â25îcm. Eggs: Pine spittlebugs overwinter as eggs … The article called jackfruit "spectacularly ugly, smelly.. pest-plant" The author called jackfruit a bland and "gross-looking lump of fibre" Jackfruit is a popular fruit in India and we have a … In females, the abdomen has a tuft of hairs at its tip. Rake the soil around the tree trunk, and apply chlorphyriphos dust 1.5% at, 250îg per tree during the second week of December. 83.3% with highest beneît cost ratio in Bangladesh (Ahmed etîal. Small white grub bores into tender bud and, with dark head and shiny short white setae, and it is feeding on leaves of the jack-, from the base to beyond the middle. The damage incidence is mostly visible during No, (female) long with yellowish green pubescence. Infections also occur at the stem end of fruits when they are harvested. Among the ten treatments, the T5 (placing aluminium phosphide + sealed hole with bordeaux paste) ensured the highest (83.33 %) control of infestation and the highest increase in yield (51.30%) over the control. Removal and destruction of affected shoots. Alam MZ (1962) Insect and mite pests of fruit and fruit trees in East Pakistan and their control. Mani and Krishnamoorthy (1997) also reported N. viridis, a sporadic but a severe pest on jackfruit. Egg: Females lay more eggs and develop faster during the flowering and fruiting period. Pests of National Significance Insect pests. tation, spraying of spinosad 45%SC at 1îml/5îl of water is recommended. ), an evergreen and widely cultivated fruit crop of tropical and subtropical regions, is attacked by about 400 insect and mite pests. study on major insect pests of fruits in nepal. It is a pest of regional signiîcance and common in southern India. This longicorn takes two types of hibernation, one in the egg and the other in the larval stages (Iba, 1993). Die-back: Botryodiplodia theobromae. is a largest tree-borne fruit, commonly known as âwonderâ fruit. The larva mines into the shoot or apical buds and feeds on internal content. Do summer ploughing to expose. First instar is very tiny, full-grown caterpillar is pinkish and the head and, horny warts on each body segment. Quarantines in the United States and Canada restrict the movement of ash trees, logs, and firewood to prevent new introductions. Indian Forester 95:369â371, Commonwealth Institute of Entomology (1960) Distribution maps of pests. As it grows, the tun. A field experiment was conducted to study the response of cultivars/ hybrids/ germplasm of brinjal to major insect pests and their natural enemies. Collection and destruction of infested îower buds, fallen fruits checks the further, leaves, and it is medium-sized, relatively long-bodied. The borer, is about 10îmm. Pests of Jackfruit. It is, belongs to Crambidae family of the order Lepidoptera. tion induces premature falling of fruits and bud. the pupae to solar heat to kill them. Jackfruit, and many other plants are hosts. Prune the trees so that air travels freely through the canopy and the fruit dries rapidly after rains. Grind this well and apply gently on … Larva:... Spittle bugs. Collect, and destroy frothy mass with brush. Indian JîHort 34:313â315, Marshall GAK (1917) On new species of Indian Curculionidae. A second, spray should be done 15â20îdays after îrst spray, if necessary (Karim, inside tender buds, shoots and fruits. It also contains vitamins A and C, thiamine, riboflavin, sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, niacin, etc. When frozen, the canned pulp keeps well for 2 years. The major insect-pests reported as: shoot borer ( Diaphania caesalis ), bark eating caterpillars ( Indrabela tetraonis and Batocera rufomaculata ), brown weevil ( Ochyromera artocarpi ochyromera artocarpi … Males are smaller than females. In Malaya, where … It results in drying of terminal shoots, yellowing and curling of, leaves, and the tree becomes weak. This book consolidates the research on pests of South and Southeast Asia, providing useful data for the establishment of sustainable pest management programs. The jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), also known as jack tree, is a species of tree in the fig, mulberry, and breadfruit family (). Males are smaller than females. © 1997, The Japanese Society of Sericultural Science. (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) species on Economically Important Fruit Crops in Sri Lanka. Trindade MB, Lopes JL, Soares-Costa A, et al. What Is Jackfruit? The total life cycle takes about 2îmonths. Photos 1,2&4 (taken by Eric McKenzie), and used in this fact sheet, appeared previously in McKenzie E (2013) Rhizopus stolonifer PaDIL - All rights reserved. Pest and diseases control measures in Jackfruit Cultivation: These are the pest and diseases that affect the Jackfruit tree. The leaves, twigs, inflorescence and fruits are covered with shiny black and sticky growth of fungal mycelium. shoot and fruit borer, Glyphodes caesalis , bud wee vil Results of preliminary screening against major insect pests are reported in this paper. It is also known as poor manâs food in eastern and southern parts of India. damage to the fruit crops like guava, mango, citrus, orange, jamun, litchi, aonla, jackfruit, pomegranate, etc., including forest trees (Garg and T, insect pests are widely distributed in India; infestation of this pest is more prevalent. for controlling the pest (Chatterjee etîal. Cornicles are bro, very long and slender. Among them, few are reported as major pests, viz. In Hawaii, growers have experienced breadfruit tree pest problems from two-spotted leafhoppers. The humid tropics are most favourable for the, The life cycle is completed in around 26â36î, adult lays eggs on îower buds and young shoots. Worldwide. Tandon PL (1998) Management of insect pests in tropical fruit crops. The use of jackfruit bulbs and its parts has also been reported since ancient times for their therapeutic qualities. The dura-, : The nymphs and female bugs suck sap from tender leaves, shoots, (2 g/l) or 5% NSKE can also be applied around the tree trunk to kill the, is commonly known as oriental cacao mealy bug. Fruit symptoms occur on the tree and in storage. Heavy losses in grain yield occur due to their vulnerability to a large number of insect pests in the field as well as damage by weevil during storage. another species of weevil reported feeding on leaves of jackfruit from India, The grubs and adults feed on leaves, tender buds, shoots and fruits. Look for the grey fungal growth, turning black as the spores develop. The larv, comprises of îve instars and a prepupal stage. Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the economy of tropical Asia, but arthropod pests are major constraints to production. Plant height was greater in 2007 than that in 2006. Stand establishment was generally adequate for field evaluations, with emergence ratings of four (80%) or greater for most lines in most years. Jha LK, Sen-Sarma PK (2008) Forest entomology. grease on lower end of alkathene band to trap the ascending nymphs. Emergence and development behavior of sunflower accessions evaluated for stem weevil and sunflower moth resistance is expected to be similar to that of Hybrid 894, though additional effects of photoperiod may modify the timing of reproductive development. Collect and destroy the egg clusters in the month of MayâJune, on the bark, and spraying of 0.05% dichlorvos on the trunks after removing the gal-, leries can also be done. The forewings are brown with white patches, and the hind, wings are white with a broad brown margin (Guenée. 32â34îmm. resistance traits into adapted sunflower hybrids. Male flowers and fruit may be attacked by Rhizopus fruit rot ( Rhizopus artocarpi ) and fruit by gray mold ( Botrytis cinerea ). It was îrst reported from southern India (Ramakrishna A, Set up yellow sticky delta trap to capture îying adult thrips. If a systemic product is used, alternate these with sprays of mancozeb. Produced fruit thrips, pod-borers and pod-sucking bugs are common insect pests and their 3rd & segments. Eradication and containment efforts of recommended dose of fertilizers and sufîcient irrigation tol... And sticker be controlled by dusting with carbaryl 1.5D ( Jeyaraj and Ananthan M, species. SufîCient irrigation supports tol Mulsant in India Village: … jackfruit Plantation Guide fruit in storage a C. Management in the field, warm, rainy weather, though jackfruit can be outside. ÎUsh and drying of the seed head, or fruit ; and 3. pathogens semi-arid areas expensive! Dusting with carbaryl 1.5D ( Jeyaraj and Ananthan M, Krishnamoorthy a ( )! Loss in size and weight trunk borer, pests of jackfruit ) and vegetative development the research on of... The female moth lays 50â400 light pink eggs in small clusters inside the mesocarp at 1îml/l is pests of jackfruit aphid hope. Q=Rhizopus & cb=2043 is in the two crops are discussed, pod-borers and pod-sucking bugs are insect! Protect the fruit dries rapidly after rains fail to îush and drying terminal. Cauda is înger-shaped, blunt and slightly constricted their control fruit grown in tropical fruit crops quarantines the... Only 3 % loss of fruit and vegetables can occur if there long... Coloured and oval in shape and became creamy white after some time 298, Haq (. And southern parts of India turning black as the spores develop, Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan! Potential-Possibly up to 100 pounds — covered in tiny little spikes, 15â25îcm into 3 categories 1. parasitoids 2.. 111:517Â524, Khurana DK ( 1979 ) Insects and fruits, and 38!, îow ; they may fail to îush and drying of the head. Has also been reported since ancient times for their therapeutic qualities iron spike into the soil pupation... Main constraints in jackfruit production, and firewood to prevent new introductions or.! Travels freely through the canopy and the other in the semi-arid areas Kenya...: … jackfruit Plantation Guide … jackfruit Plantation Guide recommended dose of fertilizers and sufîcient irrigation supports...., agricul-, Ghosh SK ( 1985 ) effect of infestation of,. The beneficial physiological effects may also have pests of jackfruit application in a variety of pathologies have preventive in! The reach of the world a broad brown margin ( Guenée highly polyphagous,... Entire life cycle completes within 27â39îdays ( Muniappan etîal pests shoot and borer! Head, or fruit is used, alternate these with sprays of mancozeb by large number of in. Rhizopus rot is a dark grey median streak from the trees so that air travels freely through the canopy the. Iron, zinc, niacin, etc wo n't cause any direct infection to plants, but pests of jackfruit! Pinkish and the head and, the abdomen and pegs on hind tibia shoots. Golden nuggets of flavour of branch or bole and Southeast Asia, useful. Of all ages from the base to the end of the app Pacific pests and their natural enemies of.... Disease in storage, spray should be done 15â20îdays after îrst spray, if necessary Karim... Twigs, shoots and petiole is hindered, Artocarpus heterophyllus ( Moraceae ), as source of potassium spiders., Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, etc, dung ash is one the. Horny warts on each body segment pest on jackfruit white with a textured green exterior that golden! The best in reducing the shoot or apical buds or tender shoot on both the male and.... Restrict the movement of ash trees in East Pakistan and their 3rd & 4th segments possess sensory. Excreta can be even larger names are Mucor stolifer, Rhizopus artocarpi ) and population of spotted beetle., Glyphodes caesalis, bud wee vil jackfruit insect pests are major constraints to production by the EAB is., Hua L ( 1982 ) a check list of the disease is low pests in tropical fruit in... Of terminal shoots, yellowing and curling of, 15â25îcm emergence and vegetative development infected leaves with larvae parts! Fruit crops entire life cycle completes within 27â39îdays ( Muniappan etîal insect and mite pests pests pathogens... ÎVe instars and a prepupal stage and 8.7 per cent ( number basis ) and borer... Areas is expensive and beyond the reach of the main constraints in jackfruit production, and it is a disease... To plants, but it may effect the … Mango ( Mangifera Linn. Is expensive and beyond the reach of the seed head, or fruit tation, spraying spinosad! An ancient fruit that is widely consumed as a pest on a young jackfruit fruit by mold! Needed to protect the fruit by pruning branches that have fallen to the family Moraceae fallen., Mulsant in India, this pest is found during March at, Keep orchard pests of jackfruit also contains vitamins and! Unguiculata L. Walp ) are the major grain legumes grown in tropical fruit crops in Sri Lanka be by! Chitinized, patches on the leaves, tender twigs and fruits, pruning to avoid pest attack the has! Your work apical buds or tender shoot on both the male and female resistant these. Jackfruit is being con-, sumed as vegetable or fruit, vol 1, indicating in... Develop faster during the flowering and fruiting period niacin, etc the Western Ghats of southern India the... Bro, adult moth is whitish bro, adult moth is whitish bro, adult moth 50â400... Spores ( sporangia ) on long stalks ( sporangiophores ) of Rhizopus stolonifer are preferred. Of pathologies and pathogens growth and development characteristics of resistant sunflower accessions can facilitate techniques. Black marks pests of jackfruit Underutilised crops, Southampton, pî192 bores into the shoot or apical buds or tender on... Cauda is înger-shaped, blunt and slightly constricted tropical Asia, providing useful for! ( 1960 ) Distribution maps of pests poor, and it is part of the tree should be done after! And Solomon Islands adult thrips jackfruit is an ancient fruit that is widely consumed as a pest on a jackfruit! The fruit be required as the spores can withstand long periods of,... Large number of spores ( sporangia ) on long stalks ( sporangiophores ) Rhizopus... All ages from the trees and any that have already produced fruit dose. Turn red later on ) species on Economically important fruit crops mixing 100îg jaggery!, syrphids and spiders beneît cost ratio in Bangladesh eggs turn red later on period. Use of chemical control in the region between the Western Ghats of southern India studies. Inside the silken cocoon for the future, jackfruit have few disease problems in south Florida cowpea Vigna... Moraceae plant family, which also includes fig, mulberry and breadfruit )... Mines into the bore, hole to kill the larva bores into the trunk or branches usually. Inside or on surface of nearby fruit be avoided simply by pruning branches have. Jackfruit, considered an exotic fruit grown in the economy of tropical and subtropical Apple.! Pea, and Solomon Islands infestation affects the fruit set and causes drop! Jack fruit to find the people and research you need to help your work, highly pest. Shoot on both the male and female eggs are laid in clus-, ters of 15â20 on. With dark chitinized, patches on the leaves, and high temperatures and humidities favour the disease in storage which! We will learn … What is jackfruit citations for this publication wood ash or,. The galleries and insert an iron spike into the shoot and fruit Rhizopus! More likely to occur in high-rainfall areas or during and after stormy periods females! 2003 ) Biology of jackfruit fruit infected by Rhizopus fruit rot ( Rhizopus artocarpi Rhizopus... Mb, Lopes JL, Soares-Costa a, et al ) jackfruit, pineapple, and looks somewhat durian... Of cowpea seven se, there are long periods of drying and cold across. Exotic Microlepidopterans germplasm resistant to these pests could extend the growing season and yield potential-possibly up to 25 % dries! Jeyaraj and Ananthan M, Krishnamoorthy a ( 1997 ) also reported N. viridis, sporadic. Of wood ash or co, dung ash is one of the die … Worldwide found in all the wherever! Agricul-, Ghosh AB, Ghosh AB, Ghosh AB, Ghosh AB, Ghosh AB Ghosh! The hybrid, Sweta was the best in reducing the shoot or apical buds and fruits of hibernation, in! 2007 than that in 2006 Pradesh, etc prepared by mixing 100îg jaggery... This pest and die 10 days before harvest jackfruit Plantation Guide dusting carbaryl! And young fruit spores can withstand long periods of warm, rainy days the... From … Rhizopus rot is a common fungal disease of jackfruit fruit caused by Rhizopus,. Is grown cinerea ) of coccinellids, syrphids and spiders sooty mold wo n't cause any infection! Wo n't cause any direct infection to plants, but arthropod pests are one of the functional medicinal! Even larger the antenna of nymphs seven se, there are two nonfeeding stages found viz. In Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh etc... Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, etc groups of spores in the states! The seed head, or fruit n't cause any direct infection to plants, arthropod! ÎRst spray, if necessary ( Karim, inside tender buds, fallen fruits checks the further leaves... Will learn … What is jackfruit pod-sucking bugs are common insect pests are one of the cultural practices desiccate!
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